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Ironbark Homeopathy publishes on this website an E-journal of opinion that includes articles, links and videos without prejudice, defamation intent of the webmaster in the interest of informing people of Australia on the many issues which concern homeopathy and natural therapies.

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"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers"
Article 19 UN Declaration of Human Rights to which Australia is a signatory

Dead Baxter Ferrets Do Not Lie

"Is it a ferret medical emergency?"

"Baxter: Product Contained Live Bird Flu Virus"  19 August 2009
Nurses Talking About Nursing

"Swine Flu H1N1 Vaccine From Baxter International Is Contaminated"

"Live Avian Flu Virus Placed in Baxter Vaccine Materials Sent to 18 Countries"
Toronto Sun Report 3 July 2009
Archived on the Socio-Eco History Blog

'My headache's about to explode': U.S. girls just dropping dead
Unearthed documents reveal new deaths from 'mandated' shot

"Internal documents show that after Bayer absolutely positively knew that they had a medicine infected with the AIDs virus, they took the product off the market in the US and they dumped it in France, Europe, Asia and Latin America.
The medicine is called Factor 8 and it was an injected medicine for hemophiliacs."


Dr Leonard Horowitz Phd Public Health
The Congressional Record 1969 documents the Dept of Defense requested $10,000,000 to develop "synthetic biological agents in germ warfare" through the NAS (National Academy of Sciences) and the National Research Council (NANRC). These agents are functionally identical to HIV/AIDS.


"Merck caught in scandal to bury Vioxx heart attack risks, intimidate scientists and keep pushing dangerous drugs"
Mike Adams - Nov 2004

NEJM (New England Journal of Medicine) sat on Vioxx warnings for years
Medical Marketing and the Media - May 15, 2006

"Warning Signs: Emails suggest Merck knew of Vioxx dangers at an early stage" Report Vioxx linked to thousands of deaths. staff news service reports.
The Wall Street Journal - 1 Nov 2004


Dusty - R.I.P. Hendra+ and Healthy Biowarrior of Queensland.
Give the sheeple your best woof.


Dusty was the dog of the Fearon family. He was a healthy dog who "had tested positive to Hendra anti-bodies, indicating Dusty had been infected at some stage in the past - probably after contact with a sick horse, BUT HAD RECOVERED - if he had ever been sick at all.

This is interesting because according to Dr Linfa Wang, the world's leading authority on Hendra, the virus is highly virulent when transmitted to a new host.

Really, Dusty the Hendra+ dog is similar to any healthy person who still carries the anti-bodies for a virus they have had in the past - like CMV.

Now Good Sheeple - Listen to the story of Dusty

Hendra is a virus of public concern

Dr Linfa Wang, CEO of the Australian Animal Health Laboratory in his Report to HBMALG
(Friday 22 July, 2010) has stated that the AAHL is looking for biomarkers that would allow the scientists to predict spillover events.

Well.  Dusty was 'a spillover' event in which the virus was transmitted from bat to dog.  And despite the expected virulence of the virus in a new host, Dusty was a healthy dog.

Rather than study this dog who had produced his OWN ANTI-BODIES to HV, the dog was ordered destroyed by Queensland biosecurity.

Now. How strange is that, I would think if I beleived the official Hendra biosecurity narrative?

And the media has predictably opted for a 'scare the sheeple' angle on this story.

LETHAL: CSIRO's Johanna Dups with enough of the virus to kill millions.

"Hendra Virus Scientists Push for Vaccine to be Fast Tracked"  Kelmeny Fraser.
The Sunday Mail.  July 24, 2011.

"Deep in Australia's most secure research laboratory, a scientist in a protective oxygen suit clasps a vial holding one of the world's deadliest viruses"..."It contains just 20 mls of liquid but each drop contains millions of live Hendra particles - in theory, enough to kill every man, woman and child in Qld."

So.  The Qld biosecurity agenda is vaccination.  Mass vaccination?  probably.  The University of Qld Institute for Bio-engineering and Nanotechnology is researching a drug that is being engineered to slow down the disease in persons exposed to HV. 

The government programme is Agenda 21.  This explains the government biosecurity  disinterest in a healthy Hendra+ dog and the human beings exposed through Dusty. All healthy subjects.

Whatever the merits of the scientific work that continues apace, once this drug gets into the hands of Big Pharma, it will be a different story

Vaccines can help REDUCE world population

We believe it. Bill.

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