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Homeopathy in the News



Drs Aadil and Fatema Chimthanawala Lecture in Brisbane

The Homeopathic Education and Research Australia sponsored a three day series of lectures by Drs Aadil and Fatema Chimthanwala in Brisbane May 8-10 2015.

Dr Aadil is cardiologist specialising in the homeopathic treatment of cardiac pathologies. Dr Fatema specialises in homeopathy for gynecology and pediatrics. Both practice at the Shaad Hospital and Research Centre in Nagpur, India. Dr Aadil and his family founded the Aadil HomoeoHeart Centre also in Nagpur.

Dr Aadil's lectures delivered on Friday May 8 and Sunday May 10 focused on homeopathic treatment and protocols used at the Shaad Hospital and the Aadil Homoeo Heart Centre for cardiovascular disease, hypertension and the diabetes spectrum. One of the most interesting factoids that he dropped into his lecture is that the homeopathic nosode: Tuberculinim 1M is now certified by the Indian Health Ministry for the widespread TB vaccinosis as a result of the mandatory TB vaccination of previous years. He spoke at some length on the role of the dissemination of the tubercules into the cardiovascular system and its role in the complicationof cardiovascular diseases of the endothelium – the body's largest endocrine gland.

Among other protocols, he gave the protocols he uses for the dissolution of athero-sclerotic plaque.

We will be hearing more from Drs Aadil and Fatema. It is to be hoped that H.E.R.A will sponsor more lectures.

Historical note. Homeopathy has been recognized as part of primary health care in India since Independence from Britain. In 1995 a government department was created under the Indian Health Ministry – Dept of Indian Systems of Medicine and Homoeopathy (ISM &H). The current name is the Dept of Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (2003) and operates under the IndianMinistry of Health and Family Welfare . AYUSH which in Hindi means 'long life' was created to develop eduction and research in the traditional medicine and practice of Ayurveda and Yoga as well as Homoeopathy. AYUSH promotes integrated courses for the Indian medical systems and modern science.


The Swiss Government's Inquiry into homeopathy and complementary and alternative medicines (CAM)
is now available in English.  Homeopathy in Health Care by Gudrun Bornhoft and Peter Matthiessen (Springer, 2011)
The Swiss Governments inquiry into the effectiveness, cost efficiency and use of homeopathy and CAM in Switzlerland is the the most comprehensive study ever undertaken by a government.
Findings of the Swiss Government study show that over 50% of the Swiss physicians consider homeopathy to be effective.
The Inquiry recognizes the high demand and widespread use of homeopathy and CAM therapies in Switzerland.  The usage covers both consumer demand and physician acceptance and use.
A National Referendum has shown that more than two thirds of the Swiss voters want homeopathy and selected CAM therapies to be part of the Swiss national health programme.
Dana Ullman, Feb 15, 2012 has reported on the publication of the Swiss Government Inquiry in English.  "The Swiss Government's Remarkable Report on Homeopathic Medicine."
Back in Oz, Paul Smith reports in the Australian Doctor that the "NHMRC (National Health and Medical Research Council) takes its time on homeopathy."  
"The country's top medical research body says it needs another 18 months to come to a decision whether it is unethical for health professionals to advocate homeopathy."
Last year's NHMRC draft document published in the Australian Doctor last year stated that it was "unethical for health practioners to treat patients using homeopathy, for the reason that homeopathy - as a medicine or procedure - has been shown not to be efficacious."
The draft statement obviously did not take into account the comprehensive review of the Swiss Government Inquiry - to date the most comprehensive conducted by any government into the efficacy of homeopathy.




Autism - Homeopathy has the answers. A 100 pages preview of Dr. Tinus Smits new book "Autism: Beyond Despair".

 UK Govt. Maintains Patient Access to Homeopathy in the NHS and Homeopathy effective in dairy cows - by Stephen Gordon, General Secretary of ECCH



Drs Isaac Golden Ph.D and Stephan Baumgartner Ph.D addressed a packed conference of homeopaths,  held Sept 9, 2011 at the Brisbane Queensland campus of the Endeavor College of Natural Health.

Dr Isaac Golden presented an overview of the groundbreaking work of the Dr Gustavo Bracho from Cuba's Finlay Instituto and Centre for Vaccines, Research and Production. Dr Bracho has pioneered and led the use of homeopathic medicine as prophylaxis (preventative measures) for epidemic control.

Bracho has gained global recognition by WHO and mainstream medicine for his successes in epidemic intervention in Cuba's annual Leptospirosis epidemic. This has been the world's largest intervention in public health using homeoprophylaxis.

Homeopathic treatment of Dengue Fever is also being pioneered in Cuba.

Review of Dr Bracho's work is very significant for public health as Cuba (embargoed for decades by the US and Western nations) has been compelled to become self sufficient in the research, development and production of its own medicines. The successes of its national programme with homeopathy have been of great economic benefit to the embargoed nation.

Dr Stephen Baumgartner presented his work in "Efficacy, Effectiveness and Mode of Action of Homeopathic Interventions - Current State of Knowledge".

Dr Baumgartner is a Ph.D. in physical science , a lecturer at the Instiute of Complementary Medicine KIKOM at the University of Bern, Switzerland.  He is also a senior researcher with the Society for Cancer Research, Switzerland.

"Why should homeopathy not make sense in the light of science?"  Dr Baumgartner reviewed the growing body of quantitative data of the efficacy of homeopathic medicine and prophylaxis (preventative measures) against disease.

He led the attendees through a meta-analysis data published on doubleblinded Randomized Controlled Trials (RCT) which compared homeopathy and placebo.  The trials in which homeopathy performed better than placebo were conducted on postoperative ileus, allergic rhinitis, allergic complaints, rheumatic disorders, diarrhea and influenza.

The list of publications and summary of his points will be archived in the section Ironbark Research, Essays and Articles on this website.

Dr Baumgartner also reviewed several studies of the use of homeopathic medicines to induce the detoxification of heavy metals.



Large-scale application of highly-diluted bacteria for Leptospirosis epidemic control - impressive results in a homeoprophylactic approach in Cuba in over 2.3 million people. Click HERE to read more.

Stunning Cuban experiences on leptospirosis.  Click here to read more.



Jeremy Sherr's Blog from Africa about his AIDS Project
This is a homoeopathic diary by Jeremy Sherr. He is in Tanzania consulting a local homoeopath, Sigsbert Rwegasira. He is trying to set up homoeopathic help for AIDS sufferers.

Jeremy Sherr's Project of AIDS in Tanzania, Africa

Update of Jeremy Sherr's AIDS project in Tanzania, Africa

Breakthrough research about curing HIV/AIDS patients in Africa using a homeopathic remedy - Jan Scholten



Doctors in Mexico City Cured 2009 Swine Flu with Homeopathy! - Click here

World News carries The Times of India Report
"Homeopathy Can Prevent, Cure Swine Flu"

Natural News carries many reports on homeopathy around the world



The Wisdom of Symptoms: Respecting the Body's Intelligence - Dana Ullman

Dana Ullman
ebook. Homeopathic Family Medicine: Evidence Based Homeopathy

Traditional Chinese Medicine and Homeopathy used for ICU teenager for whom medical advice to parents was "Switch off life support"


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