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Ironbark Homeopathy publishes on this website an E-journal of opinion that includes articles, links and videos without prejudice, defamation intent of the webmaster in the interest of informing people of Australia on the many issues which concern homeopathy and natural therapies.

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"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers"
Article 19 UN Declaration of Human Rights to which Australia is a signatory

Queensland Fishing and Wild Harvested Foods

"Winch-up Queenslanders". If you want seafood from the relatively unpolluted, deep, Southern ocean waters, then you must support the primary producers of our own Qld fishing industry - currently beset and beseiged by the government. This is the story of all primary producers who are struggling to produce quality food: pesticide free fruit and vegetables, free range and pastured beef, lamb, chicken and eggs.

We do not want our seafood from overseas fishfarms. We want to eat wild caught fish from the clean, deep Southern oceans wild havested by our own Qld industry working under Australian quality controls.

If you do not want the government to remove your choice to purchase the local, quality product then support the local producers.

See 'industry links' on

Queensland Commercial Fishing Industry under threat from Agenda 21 dictate
Put your voice into choice.
Write to and visit your local MP. Letters are best because they have to answer. Always retain a copy of your letter.

Walter Starcks 'Golden Dolphin' webpage is "Aimed at the promotion of honest science, rational econamics, accountable governance and personal freedom"
Yes, These do go together

Ray Hilborn, Professor in School of Aquatic and Fisheries Sciences at the University of Washington
"The State of World Fisheries" by Prof Ray Hilbourn at the New Zealand Seafood Industry Conference 2010

Bob Kearney
Institute of Applied Ecology, University of Canberra The truth abuot fisheries management
"Science Under Seige"

Let Australian consumers have access to THEIR seafood through the professional fishermen that catch it for them

Now is the time for action!!!!

Please sign the e-petition if you want to save your supply of fresh, local seafood.

Help save our supply of local seafood

Imagine if when you went to your local seafood outlet and all there was to buy was Basa imported from South East Asia or some imported Spanish mackerel or vannamei prawns.

 Sound scary? It is very scary but even worse, we are fast heading to a time when this may well be a reality.

 Why is this so you ask when Queensland has some of the best sustainably managed fisheries in the world?

 Green groups and some recreational fishing groups are running well funded misinformation campaigns that are designed to scare consumers and keep access to many Queensland table species all to themselves.

 We need your support to send an alternative message to our politicians - our fisheries are sustainably managed and are not in danger of collapse and any decsisions taken about who has access to the our local seafood must consider you first - the consumer.

Just because you may not be able to go fishing and catch your own seafood should not mean you can't access it at your local seafood outlet.

 What some people are trying to do is prevent you from ever having access to local seafood species such as Tailor, Trevally or Australian Salmon.

 This is un-Australian and I urge you to send a message to politicians that you want the supply of locally sourced seafood to be their priority - and for all Australians, not just some.

 Please sign the e-petition if you would like to support the supply of fresh LOCAL seafood..... Thanks



Save our Queensland Industries

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This website may contain copyrighted material the use of which may not always have been specificaly authorized by the copyright owner. As a natural person believing I have a right to choose how I will deal with my own health and as a therapist with a stake in the availability of natural therapies, I present material on my website that I believe will assist to inform others about the issues surrounding homeopathy and other natural therapies. I believe this will advance understanding of the politics of health as well as the human, cultural and medical issues bound up with natural therapies. I believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided by Australian law and Section 107 of the US Copyright Law.

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