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Ironbark Homeopathy publishes on this website an E-journal of opinion that includes articles, links and videos without prejudice, defamation intent of the webmaster in the interest of informing people of Australia on the many issues which concern homeopathy and natural therapies.

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"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers"
Article 19 UN Declaration of Human Rights to which Australia is a signatory

Heavy Metal, Multichemical and Geopathic Toxicity

Mercury, heavy metal toxicity and diseases innoculated through the vaccines:
are chronic diseases that "inevitably come to the fore again in later years and with adverse events and relationships in life" (The Organon Aph 78)
The risks of mercury in dental amalgam

The excellent website has been taken down. Gee, I wonder why?

 Flouride Action Network


Wind Turbine Syndrome



Smart metre radiation

Smart Meters Exposed! Health Effects from EMF, Radio Frequency Radiation

EMF, ELF, ULF, GWEN radiations from smart metres, MOB phone towers, computers, microwaves adversely affect the immune system and lower immune markers such as basophils, neutrophils, eosinophils.    

Russia today reports that Japan has upgraded the paralysed Fukushima Nuclear plant to category 7. Japan now admits Fukushima at 154 trillion Bqs


The most irrational yet effective remedy in the world for radiation illness and its prevention

5/31/2011 - As the radioactive fallout from Japan has officially reached the level of Chernobyl's catastrophe and encroached onto the U.S. and Canada, the EPA, for the lack of a drug to recommend, has been playing the role of psychotherapist - "you are OK, we are OK, don't worry." Even better, the psychotherapeutic...


Homeopathy may offer the best radiation treatment

4/6/2011 - Homeopathy is a truly diverse and deeply effective natural health care system for every illness under the sun. Including radiation. How is this possible? Homeopathic treatment doesn't treat the illness. It treats the person (or animal) with the illness. There is a subtle, but deeply important difference....

NB: "Radiation" in the above articles refers to increased background radiation.


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This website may contain copyrighted material the use of which may not always have been specificaly authorized by the copyright owner. As a natural person believing I have a right to choose how I will deal with my own health and as a therapist with a stake in the availability of natural therapies, I present material on my website that I believe will assist to inform others about the issues surrounding homeopathy and other natural therapies. I believe this will advance understanding of the politics of health as well as the human, cultural and medical issues bound up with natural therapies. I believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided by Australian law and Section 107 of the US Copyright Law.

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